Find Poly

Find Poly © Copyright 1989-2005.  All rights reserved.
David Lovelock
Department of Mathematics
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721

This program will answer most questions about a polynomial, except what it is. You must find the polynomial. The degree of the polynomial is less than eight, the coefficients are integers, and most of the "action" occurs between -5 and 5.

Briefly, you load a polynomial from a file, obtain information about the polynomial graphically, numerically, and algebraically, and then, when you think you know the polynomial, you guess it.

This program may be freely distributed by any means, including the web, provided that there is no fee or charge or consideration of any kind which is in excess of $8.  However, we retain all the rights of the program.

 To Download Find Poly

This is an alpha version of Find Poly. It has received no field testing. It should run on Windows 98, Me, 2000, and XP, if Windows has been updated by installing Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1. To check that Windows XP has been updated, go here.


 To Install Find Poly

To install Find Poly, unzip, and copy the three files

findpoly.exe (the application, FindPoly)
findpoly.chm (the Compiled HTML Help file, findpoly)
findpoly.exe.manifest (the manifest file)
and all files with the extension FPW into the directory of your choice.

No formal installation process is necessary. Find Poly does not make any system changes and uninstalls cleanly.

 To Run Find Poly

To run Find Poly, move to the directory containing the three files and select the application FindPoly, that is, findpoly.exe. Windows must first be updated by installing Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1.

Please send any bug-reports, or suggestions, to David Lovelock at Thank you.

 To Upgrade Find Poly

To upgrade Find Poly, just overwrite the old findpoly.exe with the upgraded findpoly.exe.

 To Uninstall Find Poly

To uninstall Find Poly, delete the three files

findpoly.exe (the application, FindPoly)
findpoly.chm (the Compiled HTML Help file, findpoly)
findpoly.exe.manifest (the manifest file).

You should also delete the files with the extension FPW.

 To Return to Educational Software

Return to Educational Software.

Last modified on 01/25/2005 at 09:03 AM