Lecture 1: Overview


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Table of Contents

1. Natural Patterns

2. First example: sand ripples

3. Photograph of a sandy beach

4. Second example: convection rolls in clouds

5. Photograph of cloud patterns

6. Detail of the previous photograph showing a defect

7. Third example: fish skin patterns

8. Sailfin surgeonfish

9. Black-back butterflyfish

10. Pinstriped butterflyfish

11. Shaw's cowfish

12. Blue-lined rabbitfish

13. Fourth example: animal coat patterns

14. Coral rabbitfish

15. Other examples of patterns in nature

17. Erosion patterns

16. Mudcrack patterns

18. Bioconvection patterns

19. Understanding pattern formation:
Laboratory experiments

20. Understanding pattern formation

21. Numerics vs. experiments I

22. Numerics vs. experiments II

23. Numerics vs. experiments III

24. Understanding pattern formation:
Other examples of numerical simulations

Author: Joceline Lega

Email: lega@math.arizona.edu

Home Page: http://www.math.arizona.edu/~lega