Published Works
Ayers, M., Fonseca, J.D., Andrade, R., Civil, M. (2001). Creating Learning Communities: The "Build Your Own Dream House" Curriculum Unit. In E. McIntyre, A. Rosebery, & N. González (Eds.) Classroom Diversity: Linking School Curriculum to Students' Backgrounds, (Chapter 5). Heinemann: Portsmouth, NH.

Civil, M. (1992). Entering Students Households: Bridging the gap between out-of-school and in-school mathematics. In A. Weinzweigh & A. Cirulis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th International Meeting of ICSIMT (pp. 90-109), Chicago: ICSIMT.

Civil, M. (1993). Household visits and teachers' study groups: Integrating mathematics in a socio-cultural approach to instruction. In J.R. Becker and B.J. Pence (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol 2 pp 49-55), San Jose, CA.

Civil, M. & Kahn, L. (2001). Mathematical Instruction Developed from a Gardern Theme. Teaching Children Mathematics, 7(7), 400-405.

González, N., Andrade, R., & Carson, C. (2001). Creating links between home and school mathematics practices. In E. McIntyre, A. Rosebery, & N. González (Eds.) Classroom Diversity: Linking School Curriculum to Students' Backgrounds, (Chapter 10). Heinemann: Portsmouth, NH.

González, N., Andrade, R., Civil, M., & Moll, L.C. (2001). Bridging Funds of Distributed Knowledge: Creating Zones of Practices in Mathematics. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 6(1&2), 115-132.

Kahn, L. & Civil, M. (2001). Unearthing the Mathematics of a Classroom Gardern. In E. McIntyre, A. Rosebery, & N. González (Eds.) Classroom Diversity: Linking School Curriculum to Students' Backgrounds, (Chapter 4). Heinemann: Portsmouth, NH.