
Data Set for CHAPTER 2

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This shows the decay of the 64Cu isotope (second column) as a function of time in hours (first column). Data from "Data analysis in the undergraduate nuclear laboratory" by B. Curry, D. Riggins, and P. B. Spiegel, American Journal of Physics, Volume 63, 1995, 71-76; Table 1 page 73.

[image of halflife.dta]
1st col 2nd col
0 16744
1 15596
2 15120
3 14325
4 13723
5 12788
6 12141
7 11277
8 10949
9 10174
25 4317
26 4181
27 3784
29 3454
30 3184
31 3177
32 2910
33 2766
34 2598