Data Sorted by Properties

| Decreasing, Concave Down | Decreasing, Concave Up | Increasing, Concave Down | Increasing, Concave Up | Increasing, Decreasing, Concave Down | Increasing, Decreasing, Concave Up | Increasing, Linear | Increasing, Sigmoidal |

Increasing, Linear

BEAMA cantilevered beam had different loads applied to its free end, and the vertical displacement of the free end was measured.
BUOYThe period of a bobbing buoy as a function of distance.
HOOKE1A spring was suspended vertically and various masses were attached to the bottom end. The extension was measured as a function of the mass.
HOOKE2A spring was suspended vertically and various masses were attached to the bottom end. The extension was measured as a function of the mass.
MILEThe table shows the year when the men's world record for the mile was broken this century, and the time for the mile.
PENDULUMThe frequency of coupled pendulums as a function of the inverse of the square root of a length.
QCKSORTAverage times to sort a list of various lengths using the Quicksort algorithm.

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