
Data Selected by Properties : Increasing, Linear

BEAMA cantilevered beam had different loads applied to its free end, and the vertical displacement of the free end was measured.
BUOYThe period of a bobbing buoy as a function of distance.
HOOKE1A spring was suspended vertically and various masses were attached to the bottom end. The extension was measured as a function of the mass.
HOOKE2A spring was suspended vertically and various masses were attached to the bottom end. The extension was measured as a function of the mass.
PENDULUMThe frequency of coupled pendulums as a function of the inverse of the square root of a length.
QCKSORTAverage times to sort a list of various lengths using the Quicksort algorithm.
RVALUENewThe thickness of the insulation material in inches as a function of the R-Value.

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