Arizona Math Software Data


To view or download plaice.dta or its corresponding description file plaice.inf, use the Save As or Save this Link As options.

[image of plaice.dta]
1st col 2nd col
23.5 124
24.5 146
25.5 155
26.5 174
27.5 190
28.5 213
29.5 236
30.5 259
31.5 284
32.5 308
33.5 332
34.5 363
35.5 391
36.5 419
37.5 455
38.5 500
39.5 538
40.5 574
41.5 623
42.5 674
43.5 724
44.5 808
45.5 812
46.5 909
47.5 1039
48.5 1124
49.5 1163