David Glickenstein

Department of Mathematics
University of Arizona
617 N Santa Rita
P.O. Box 210089
Tucson, AZ 85721
Phone: (520) 621-2463
Fax: (520) 621-8322
Office: Math 204
Email: glickenstein@math.arizona.edu


I am currently the Associate Head for the Graduate Program and Director of Graduate Studies for the Mathematics Graduate Program at UA.
Here is my long CV.


My research is concerned with geometry, geometric flows, and data science. This includes work on Ricci flow, discrete versions of the heat equation, curve shortening flow, discrete Riemannian manifolds, graph theory drawing, and deep neural networks. Some of my recent collaborative projects are: I am a co-editor of a Special Issue on Mathematical Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Here is a layman's introduction to geometry intended for the nonmathematician (this is an old project that may be partly outdated.

You may find links to my research papers at ArXiv, MathSciNet, Google Scholar, and Scopus. NSF grants can be found here

I conceived and co-designed Puzzles, Proofs, and Patterns: Experience the World of Mathematics, an exhibit at the Flandrau Science Center in Tucson, AZ that I spearheaded through my NSF grant. 

I run the Geometric Evolutions On Computational Abstract Manifolds (GEOCAM) project GEOCAM (site not up-to-date)

During summer 2010, I ran the Arizona Summer Program, a research program for undergraduates sponsored by UA's VIGRE grant. 


Old course webpages (newer are on D2L):



I am a coauthor of four books with B. Chow, S.-C. Chu, C. Guenther, J. Isenberg, T. Ivey, D. Knopf, P. Lu, F. Luo, and L. Ni: The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications. Part I: Geometric Aspects and The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications. Part II: Analytic AspectsThe Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications. Part III: Geometric/Analytic Aspects, and The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications. Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics in the AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs series.

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Funded by NSF
Last updated April 25, 2021