The University of Arizona
Department of Mathematics
SWRIMS High School Workshops

Interesting Webpages related to
Factoring and Primality Testing

Try searching the web (via Yahoo, Alta Vista, etc.) for any of the following keywords: "Factoring", "Primality", "Prime Number", "Fermat Number", "Mersenne", "Number Field Sieve", "Quadratic Sieve", "RSA", "public key cryptography".

Mersenne Numbers and Mersenne Primes:
(Definition: the mth Mersenne Number is Mm = 2m-1)

Fermat Numbers and Fermat Primes:
(Definition: the nth Fermat Number is Fn = 22^n+1)

Cryptography and the RSA public-key cryptosystem:

Internet Security:
Webpage maintained by: Alexander Perlis,