Welcome to the home page of Geometry-Topology (Math 534).


Current Office Hours:



Course Requirements:


Grades will be determined on a point system with the following weights: The grading scale is:

Missed exams, etc.:

The grade for an exam missed for good cause, and with advance notice, will be replaced with the grade on the corresponding part of the final exam. An exam missed without advance notice and good cause will receive a score of 0.

If you withdraw between the 4th and 8th week of class, you will receive a grade of "W". Withdrawing after the 8th week of class is possible only under the most exceptional circumstances.

Administrative drop:

Students who are excessively absent (i.e., absent for 2 consecutive classes, or for 4 classes throughout the term) will be administratively dropped.

Other resources:

Jai-Ling Dai is a senior graduate student who will be a TA for this course. She plans to run a weekly discussion session to go over homework problems and answer questions.

Douglas Ulmer
August 23, 1999