
Data Set for CHAPTER 2

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To study how recognition memory decreases with time, the following experiment was conducted. The subject read a list of 20 words slowly and aloud and then at different time intervals was shown a list of 40 words, containing the 20 words that had been read. The percentage of words recognized (second column) was recorded as a function of the time elapsed in minutes (first column). This shows the averages for 5 different subjects. Adapted from "Quantitative Methods in Psychology" by D. Lewis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960.

[image of recogn.dta]
1st col 2nd col
5 73.0
15 61.7
30 58.3
60 55.7
120 50.3
240 46.7
480 40.3
720 38.3
1440 29.0
2880 24.0
5760 18.7
10080 10.3