Graduate Research Opportunities
Graduate students are an integral part of the research carried out here in the Department of Mathematics. The graduate research opportunities we offer are meant to prepare students for impactful careers in shaping the future of various fields in mathematics.
Research Topics Event Calendar
Events, Seminars, Colloquiua and More!
In many graduate programs in mathematics, students must wait for several years before having a chance to learn any current research in mathematics. Students at the University of Arizona have a chance to get involved in current research much earlier through the Research Tutorial Groups (RTGs). RTGs introduce graduate students to mathematical research at the end of the first year and beginning of the second year, typically well in advance of formal dissertation research. In the spring of the first year, students listen to short lecture series on topics of current interest (usually three or four series of three or four lectures, one hour per week). In the following fall, students choose one of the topics and work on a research problem with the sponsoring faculty member and a small group of fellow students. The spring lecture series is one credit hour while the fall research group is three credit hours.
RTG Integration Workshop:
Each year in August, the department holds a workshop to integrate incoming graduate students into the program. The goals are to:
- prepare students for core classes by getting them to think about undergrad material from a graduate point of view;
- establish an esprit de corps among the students;
- acquaint students with a few faculty and senior grad students.
RTG Mini-Conference:
Each year, students participating in a research tutorial group present their findings at this mini-conference.
In addition to the numerous seminars centered around particular research areas, the department has a weekly math colloquium in which the top researchers from across the country present the latest research. These colloquia are intended to be accessible to all graduate students. There is also a weekly colloquium in mathematics education. Also, the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Applied Mathematics and Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Statistics each have a weekly colloquium series which students in the department often attend.
Find more details on our events calendar.
Graduate Student Colloquium:
The Graduate Student Colloquium provides a forum in which graduate students in mathematics and related disciplines may develop the skill of publicly presenting research work and interests. The talks, sometimes specialized, sometimes introductory in nature, allow our audience to become acquainted with the work of fellow graduate students. Thank you speakers and organizers for supporting and continuing this worthwhile tradition.