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August 2024
- Denny, Bud. An Unstructured Mesh Coordinate Transformation Based FDTD Method. Advisor: Moysey Brio. Employer: Air Force Research Laboratory. Position: Computational Scientist.
- Dirdak, Abigayle. The Gale Transform and the Pentagram Map. Advisor: Anton Izosimov. Employer: College of the Sequoias. Position: Adjunct Professor.
- Koc, Tugce. Supervised Learning by Low Rank Estimation on Tensor Data. Advisor: Hao Zhang.
- Lewis, Daniel. Newton Slopes of Specializations. Advisor: Bryden Cais.
- Loomis, Alexandre. MIW Sequences. Advisor: Sunder Sethuraman.
- Sidbury, Lee. Convergence of Discrete Conformal Maps of Surfaces. Advisor: David Glickenstein.
May 2024
- Guzman, Anthony. Reductions of Some Crystalline Representations in the Unramified Setting. Advisors: Brandon Levin and Bryden Cais.
- Hand, Leaha. Difference Operators and Pentagram Maps Over Rings. Advisor: Anton Izosimov.
- Ledesma Granados, Jorge. Trivial Source Character Tables of Sporadic Groups. Advisor: Klaus Lux.
- Roon, Eric. Two Spatial Correlation Estimates in Quantum Statistical Mechanics. Advisor: Robert Sims. Employer: Michigan State University. Position: Visiting Assistant Professor.
- Wei, Bolun. L-Functions for a Family of Generalized Kloosterman Sums in Two Variables. Advisor: C. Douglas Haessig.
August 2023
- Banks, Robert. Improving PL Approximations of Harmonic Maps and a Penalty-Function Approach to Harmonic Maps. Advisor: David Glickenstein. Employer: University of Arizona, Tucson AZ. Position: Instructor.
- Doehrman, Thomas. Spaces of Spheres, Duality Structures, and the Finite Volume Laplacian. Advisor: David Glickenstein. Employer: University of Arizona, Tucson AZ. Position: Instructor.
- Knak, Rachel. Kisin Varieties Associated to Redicuble Galois Representations of Dimension 2. Advisor: Brandon Levine.
- Nelson, Spencer. On the Arithmetic Gan-Gross-Prasad Conjecture for U(2) x U(3). Advisor: Hang Xue.
May 2023
- Phillips, Tristan. Counting Rational Points of Bounded Height on Some Genus Zero Modular Curves. Advisor: Bryden Cais. Employer: Dartmoth College, Hanover, NH. Position: NSF Postdoctoral Researcher.
December 2022
- Rios, Jocelyn. Crticially Examining the Multilingual Undergraduate Mathematics Classroom: A
Mixed Methods Study. Advisors: Marta Civil and Adi Adiredja.
August 2022
- Agrawal, Utkarsh. Central Values of Degree Six L-Functions: The Case of Hilbert Modular Forms. Advisor: Hang Xue. Employer: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. Position: Postdoctoral Researcher.
- Elert, Eric. Algorithms for Finite Dimensional Algebras Over Finite Fields using Basic Algebras. Advisor: Klaus Lux. Employer: Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA. Position: Math Professor.
- Latifi Jebelli, Mohammad Javed. Loop Group Factorization, Lattice Systems and OPUC. Advisor: Douglas Pickrell. Employer: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH. Position: Postdoctoral Researcher.
- Wu, Ruiyang. New Dimension Reduction Methods for Quadratic Discriminant Analysis. Advisor: Ning Hao. Employer: New York University School of Global Public Health, New York, NY. Postdoctoral Researcher.
May 2022
- Priver, Kyle. Generalizing Bondal-Orlov Criteria for Deligne-Mumford Stacks. Advisor: Jack Hall
August 2021
- Kaushish, Madhav. Theory Building in Geometry Education: Developing and Implementing a Course for 12 to 15 Year Old Students. Advisor: Rebecca McGraw
- Kling, Anthony. Comparison of Integral Structures on the Space Modular Forms of Full Level. Advisor: Bryden Cais.
December 2020
- Biegel, Hannah. Near Real-Time Forecasting of Epidemics Using Data Assimilation with Simple Models. Advisor: Joceline Lega. Employer: SomaLogic. Position: Scientist I- Bioinfomatics.
- Luo, Zhaorui (Jerry). Probabilistic Graphical Model Inference and Learning in Crowdsourcing and Turbulence. Advisor: Junming Yin. Employer: Google, Mountain View, CA. Position: Data Scientist.
August 2020
- Quinones, Jason. Mathematical Aspects of Gauge Theory: Nahm's Equations and Jacobi Forms. Advisor: Christoph Keller. Employer: Gallaudet University, Washington. D.C. Position: Assistant Professor.
- Ramalheira-Tsu, Jonathan. The Kostant-Toda Lattice, Combinatorial Algorithms and Ultra-Discrete Dynamics. Advisor: Nicholas Ercolani. Employer: University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Position: Visiting Assistant Professor.
May 2020
- Coatney, Ryan. A Responsibile Softmax Layer in Deep Learning. Advisor: Marek Rychlik. Employer: Brevium. Position: Data Scientist.
- Hoskins, Philip. Analytical and Numerical Study of Inverse Problems Arising in Some Novel Imaging Modalities. Advisor: Leonid Kunyansky. Employer: Raytheon, Tucson, AZ. Position: Senior Systems Engineer.
- Lunderman, Spencer. Feature-Based Parameter Estimation of the Nonlinear Cloud and Rain Equation and Global Bayesian Optimization in Data Assimilation. Advisor: Matthias Morzfeld. Employer: CIT Bank, Pasadna CA. Position: Independent Model Validation.
- Oliver, Rachel. Superiority of Bayes Estimators Over the MLE in High Dimensional Models on Compact Riemannian Manifolds and its Implication for Nonparametric Bayes. Advisor: Rabindra Bhattacharya. Employer: Rincon Research Corporation, Tucson AZ. Position: Research Scientist.
- Taylor, J. David. Extending Oda's Theorem to Curves with Ordinary Singularities. Advisor: Bryden Cais.
- Tippings, Brandon. Discrete Painlevé Equations, Orthogonal Polynomials, and Counting Maps. Advisor: Nicholas Ercolani. Employer: Clothing Tech LLC. Austin, TX. Position: Software Developer.
August 2019
- Dai, Yan. Mirror Model and Critical Percolation. Advisor: Tom Kennedy. Employer: Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL. Position: Assistant Professor.
- Lippitt, William. Clumping, Stick-breaking, and an Inhomogeneous Markov Chain. Advisor: Sunder Sethuraman. Employer: University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Position: Visiting Assistant Professor.
- Murphy, Dylan. Additions for Jacobi Operators and the Toda Hierarchy of Lattice Equations. Advisor: Nicholas Ercolani. Employer: University of Arizona, Tucson AZ. Position: Lecturer, School of Information.
May 2019
- Fang, Lanbo. Eigenvalue Asymptotics of Narrow Domains. Advisor: Leonid Friedlander.
January 2019
- Tao, Yuan. The Potential Exterior to Close-to-touching Discs. Advisor: Shankar Venkataramani. Employer: Ventana Medical Systems. Position: Biostatistician.
December 2018
- Gonzalez, Angelica. Spectral Properties of 3-Regular Graphs Related to One-Face Maps. Advisor: Nicholas Ercolani. Employer: Raytheon. Position: Engineer.
- MacLaughlin, Andrew. Using Homogeneous Structures to Measure Homogeneity of Riemannian Manifolds. Advisor: David Glickenstein. Employer: Raytheon. Position: Engineer
- Moussa, Mohamad. Beyond Raid 6 — Efficient Error Correcting Code for Dual-Disk Corruption. Advisor: Marek Rychlik. Employer: American Express. Position: Senior Engineer.
- Tsinnajinnie, Belin. Indigenous and Latinx Students' Developing Mathematical Identities. Advisor: Marta Civil. Employer: Santa Fe Community College. Position: Assistant Professor and Co-Chair in Mathematics.
August 2018
- Fox, Matthew. Spectrum of Random Hamiltonian Matrices. Advisor: Nicholas Ercolani. Employer: Raytheon. Position: Senior Engineer, Signal Processing.
- Liang, Jinjin. Curvature Flows on Polygons and Surface Clusters. Advisor: David Glickenstein. Employer: Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Position: Quantitative Associate.
- Wang, Jun. Invariants of Modular Curves and Sharifi's Conjectures. Advisors: Bryden Cais, Romyar Sharifi. Employer: University of British Columbia. Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Mathematics.
May 2018
- Gunton, Cody. Torsion 1-Crystalline Representations and Néron Component Groups in the Semi-stable Case. Advisor: Bryden Cais. Employer: University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Mathematics.
- Pounder, Kyle. Nearly Singular Jacobi Matrices and Applications to the Finite Toda Lattice. Advisor: Nicholas Ercolani. Employer: Emailage, Chandler, AZ. Position: Fraud Decision Scientist.
- Rossi, Daniel. Fields of Values in Finite Groups: Characters and Conjugacy Classes. Advisor: Pham H. Tiep. Employer: SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY. Position: Visiting Assistant Professor.
- Shahar, Doron. Hydrodynamic limits for long range asymmetric processes and probabilistic opinion dynamics. Sunder Sethuraman.
- Shih, Sheng-Chi. On Congruence Modules Related To Hilbert Eisenstein Series. Advisors: Bryden Cais, Romyar Sharifi. Employer: University of Lille 1. Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Mathematics.
December 2017
- Stone, Megan. Eigenvalue Densities for the Hermitian Two-Matrix Model and Connections to Monotone Hurwitz Numbers. Advisor: Nicholas Ercolani.
May 2017
- Lee, Hyereem. Triples in Finite Groups and a Conjecture of Guralnick and Tiep. Advisor: Pham H. Tiep. Employer: Samsung Insurance, Seoul, Korea. Position: JP.
- Zhelezov, Gleb. Coalescing Particle Systems. Applications to Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equations. Advisor: Ibrahim Fatkullin. Employer:Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Biology.
August 2016
- Berard, Whitney. Explicit Serre Weight Conjectures in Dimension Four. Advisor: David Savitt. Employer: Mills College, Oakland, CA. Position: Adjunct Assistant Professor.
- Brown, Tova. Asymptotics and Dynamics of Map Enumeration Problems. Advisor: Nicholas Ercolani. Current participant in the Program on Combinatorics and Interactions, Institut Henri Poincare, Marseille/Paris.
- Davis, Erik. Consistency of Modularity Clustering on Random Geometric Graphs. Advisor: Sunder Sethuraman. Employer: University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Position: Postdoctoral Fellow.
- Trefethen, Stephen. Non-abelian Composition Factors of m-Rational Groups. Advisor: Pham Huu Tiep. Employer: The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. Position: Visiting Assistant Professor.
- Williams, Ronnie Scott. Level Compatibility in the Passage from Modular Symbols to Cup Products. Advisor: Romyar Sharifi. Employer: The University of Central Oklahoma,Edmond, OK. Position: Assistant Professor.
May 2016
- Henniges, Alex. Kisin-Ren Classification of Pi-divisible O-modules via the Dieudonné Crystal. Advisor: Bryden Cais. Employer: Raytheon. Position: Sr. Software Engineer.
- Ma, Ding. Relations Among Multiple Zeta Values and Modular Forms of Low Level. Advisor: Romyar Sharifi. Employer: Duke University, Durham, NC. Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate.
August 2015
- Chavez, Angel. Werner's Measure on Self-Avoiding Loops and Representations of the Virasoro Algebra. Advisor: Douglas Pickrell. Employer: Pomona College. Position: Postdoctoral Fellow.
- Thomas, Joseph. Conformal Variations of Piecewise Constant Curvature Two and Three Manifolds. Advisor: David Glickenstein. Employer: ViaSat Inc. Position: Data Scientist/Software Engineer.
May 2015
- Jiang, Jianping. Random Walks and their Scaling Limits. Advisor: Thomas Kennedy. Employer: NYU Shanghai. Position: Postdoctoral Fellow.
- Lafferty, Matthew J. Eichler-Shimura Cohomology Groups and the Iwasawa Main Conjecture. Advisor: Romyar Sharifi. Employer: University of California, Los Angeles. Position: Adjunct Assistant Professor.
- Powell, Kevin J. Modular Symbols Modulo Eisenstein Ideals for Bianchi Spaces. Advisor: Romyar Sharifi. Employer: Snow College. Position: Assistant Professor.
- Todd, George E. Linear Relations between Multizeta Values. Advisor: Klaus Lux. Employer: Union College. Position: Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics.
- Waters, Patrick T. Combinatorics of the Hermitian 1-Matrix Model. Advisor: Nicholas Ercolani. Employer: Temple University. Position: Research Assistant Professor.
December 2014
- Blackburn, Chantel C. Mathematics According to Whom? Two Elementary Teachers and Their Encounters with the Mathematical Horizon. Advisor: Rebecca McGraw. Employer: Pacific Union College. Position: Assistant Professor of Mathematics.
- Hinkel, Dustin E. Constructing Simultaneous Diophantine Approximations of Certain Cubic Numbers. Advisor: Marek Rychlik.
August 2014
- Maienschein, Thomas D. Desingularizing the boundary of the moduli space of genus one stable quotients. Advisor: Yi Hu. Employer: Drake University. Position: Visiting Assistant Professor.
- Prasad, Priya V. Connection, motivation, & alignment: Exploring the effects of content-based mathematics professional development. Advisor: Rebecca McGraw. Employer:University of Texas, San Antonio. Position: Assistant Professor.
August 2024
• Juricic, Nicholas. Advisor: Marta Civil.
• Roberts, Jeremy. Advisor: Christopher Henderson.
• Serdarevic, Haris. Advisor: Serin Hong.
May 2024
• Arreguin, Joseph. Girsanov's Theorem: Measure Theoretic Transformations of Stochastic Integrals. Advisor: Ibrahim Fatukullin
• Roberts, Ashley. Advisor: Christopher Henderson.
May 2023
• Ruchi Dahiya. Title unknown. Advisor: Ibrahim Fatukullin.
December 2022
• Jorge Ledesma Granados. Title unknown. Advisor: Klaus Lux.
• Lee Sidbury. Title unknown. Advisor: David Glickenstein.
August 2022
• Conner Hatton. Gambler's Ruin: The Limiting Distribution of Points Visited Exactly Once of a Simple Random Walk up to Time of Exit and the Influencer Voter Model. Advisor: Sunder Sethuraman.
May 2022
- Owen MacDonald. Almost Sure Convergence of Adjacent Weights in a Preferential Attachment Random Graph. Advisor: Sunder Sethuraman.
December 2021
- Abigayle Dirdak. The Gale Transform. Advisor: Anton Izosimov.
August 2021
- Omer Aktepe. Discontinuous Galerkin Methods For One And Two Dimensional Schrodinger Equations. Advisor: Moysey Brio.
- Bud Denny. Extended Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for Dynamics in Ferrite Material. Advisor: Moysey Brio.
May 2021
- Florence Dungan. A Nonparametric Test for Equality of Distributions. Advisor: Kevin Lin.
- Justin Perkins-Ollila. Image Quality Improvement in Generative Adversarial Nets using the Structural Similarity Index Measure. Advisor: Helen Zhang.
May 2020
- Brian Bennett. An Exploration of Parent-Child Conversations at a Mathematics Exhibit. Advisor: Marta Civil.
- Chloe Ondracek. Title unknown. Advisor: Robert Sims.
- Fany Salazar. Mathematical Conversations with Mexican Mothers: Why Teachers Should Care. Advisor: Marta Civil.
December 2019
- Madhav Kuashish. Assumption Digging in Euclidean Geometry. Advisor: Rebecca McGraw.
- Alyssa Turnquist. What Mathematics Graduate Teaching Assistants Value in a Professional Development Program. Advisor: Marta Civil.
May 2019
- Angela Kraft. Title unknown. Advisor: Klaus Lux.
May 2018
- Hannah Biegel. Title unknown. Advisor: Joceline Lega.
December 2016
- Arias Hathaway Turner. Understanding Reform: A Study of the Standards Movement in Mathematics Education. Advisor: Marta Civil.
August 2016
- Amy Been. Teaching Views of Mathematical Modeling. Advisor: Marta Civil.
May 2015
- Rachel Baumann. Title unknown. Advisor: Klaus Lux.
- Angelica Gonzalez. Title unknown. Advisor: Nick Ercolani.
May 2014
- Jonathan Edwards. Commentary on Explicit Calculations of the Zeta Function-Regularized Determinant of the Laplacian on the n-sphere. Advisor: Douglas Pickrell.
- Michael Phizicky. Title unknown. Advisor: Sunder Sethuraman.