Internships are a great way to gain work-related experience prior to graduation, possibly earn some money, and in some cases, get job offers upon graduate!
Internship FAQs
UA Career Services is the most up-to-date source for information on internships available to students through the Handshake platform. Any student searching for a job or internship should create a profile in Handshake. Career Services can also help critique your resume, hone your interview skills, and more - see the Life Lab details on the website to get started.
The following programs all maintain listings of internship opportunities on their websites.
- American Mathematical Society - The AMS website lists internships with industry and national laboratories. Mathematics majors should apply for these internships even though many do not list mathematics as an area of interest. Mathematical training, with a modicum of programming and science, is a great calling card.
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - The SIAM listings are grouped by industry field and also include opportunities at national laboratories.
- American Statistical Association - Many of the ASA opportunities are for graduate students, but you can still find internships for undergraduates as well.
- Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities - The HACU website lists internships available through a variety of federal agencies.
Students who already have an internship lined up may earn credit for the experience; Internships with significant mathematical (MATH) or statistical (DATA) content as determined by one of our designated internship coordinators may be considered for credit under the appropriate prefix. Math Department internship guidelines, policies, and procedures are available in our knowledge base here. (For other internships, credit may be earned under LASC; details are available here.)
Yes! Semester programs are run every year. See some that we've selected below. For additional programs, see the U of A Study Abroad and National Student Exchange websites.
Location: Argonne, IL. Eligibility: 18 yrs or older; eligible to work in U.S.; cumulative GPA ≥ 2.5; health insurance. Spring or Fall Laboratory Undergraduate Programs available.
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) and Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)
Locations vary. Most programs are restricted based on citizenship/residency status. See website for details on specific programs.
Penn State's Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters (MASS) Program
Location: University Park, PA. Eligibility: students are typically juniors or seniors during the program; high level of mathematical ability and mastery of mathematical proof techniques. Background: full calculus sequence, basic linear algebra, a transition course with proofs and either advanced calculus or basic real analysis.
Smith College Center for Women in Mathematics Junior Program
The Junior Program is for undergraduate women mathematics majors who want a mathematically intense semester or year among other women. (While the program is intended to take place during the junior year, second-semester sophomores and rising seniors will also be considered.)
Check the Scholarships & Internships link from the DoE website to see what's available and where (locations and eligibility restrictions vary). *Note: Some of the Contests & Competitions may also be of interest!
What companies offer internships for undergraduate students majoring in mathematics and/or statistics?
Below is a list of companies that offer internships by industries.
CAS Student Central maintains internship listings
Argonne National Laboratory: energy issues and scientific research.
CIA: clandestine service, computer science/engineering, cyber security, information technology, etc.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: bio-security, counterterrorism, defense, energy, and science and technology.
Los Alamos National Laboratory: energy, science, and engineering.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): aerospace.
National Security Agency (NSA): national security, cryptography, data mining.
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD): defense systems.
U.S. Department of State: This program offers U.S. citizen undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to participate in 10-week, unpaid internships that provide intensive educational and professional experience within the environment of America’s principle foreign affairs agency. It can be possible to earn internship credit through the U of A for an experience of this sort; talk to an advisor for more information.
BIO5 Institute: maintains listings of biology/biomedical/life science internships
Metron: scientific consulting.
Mitre: cybersecurity, emerging technologies, engineering, health transformation, global networking, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.
Philips: healthcare and electronics.
SAIC: national security, health, energy and environment, and cybersecurity.
The American Statistical Association maintains listings of internships and REUs; note that some of the opportunities are specifically for graduate students. The list is updated annually in December.