Independent Study or Directed Research
Students enrolling in Individual Studies courses (DATA/MATH 199, 199H, 299, 299H, 392, 399, 399H, 492, 498, 498H, 499, or 499H) must complete and submit a proposal form describing the project they will be earning credit for. The work must be mathematical or statistical in nature to receive MATH or DATA credit (for non-mathematical/statistical work, credit may be earned under the LASC prefix). The form is to be signed by the student, their project advisor, and their major (faculty) advisor.
Forms are available at the Math Academic Office window, room 108 of the Math building. Return completed forms to room 108 for processing.
Enrollment in Internship courses (DATA/MATH 293, 393, 493) requires a specialized Internship Work Plan form. Click here for internship policies and guidelines, and to download the form.
500-Level Courses
Students may request to register for 500-level courses if
- they are a Junior (at least 60 units earned) in the Honors College or a Senior (at least 90 units earned), AND
- they have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
To request enrollment, first fill out the Student Information portion of the Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses form. Download the fillable PDF form here. You can choose to earn Honors credit (if in the Honors College), undergraduate credit, or graduate credit. Note that graduate credit is unlikely to be useful for undergraduate students and will not count as units toward graduation. Speak with your Math Faculty Advisor or Academic Advisor if you are not sure what type of credit to request.
Online Process - Email the completed form to math-mcenter@arizona.edu. The Math Center will consult with your faculty advisor and instructors to obtain their permissions, and contact you via email when we have an answer to your request. If approval is granted, we will return your form for you to submit to the Registrar.
Students should expect the process to take up to two weeks, possibly longer at busy times, so please plan ahead.