The information and requirements found below apply to the current academic catalog. For other catalog years, please consult the archive.
Stats & Data Science Major
The Department of Mathematics offers both a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Statistics & Data Science (SDS). With a focus on the capture, maintenance, processing, analysis, and communication of data, these degrees have many common requirements. There are some differences, however. Both programs allow students to pursue graduate degrees or careers in analytics, risk assessment, finance, and other math and science related fields.
For information on selecting the appropriate program and courses to prepare for various types of graduate programs, please speak with your advisor as soon as possible. A minor in any subject outside the math department is required with this major.
Please be sure to read through all applicable degree policies before making a final decision.
Degree Requirements
NOTE: BOTH degrees require enrollment in DATA 363 - Introduction to Statistical Computing. Beginning in Spring 2023, enrollment in DATA 363 will require completion of a Python programming course (CSC 110 or ISTA 130) as well as completion or concurrent enrollment in a course that teaches SQL and Data Management (ISTA 322). These requirements ensure that students have sql and data management skills for the job field as well as programming background to help them pick up R and to ensure they are getting Python experience along the way.
The information and requirements given here apply to the most current academic catalog. For other catalog years, please consult the archive.

Bachelor of Arts in Statistics and Data Science
A Bachelor of Arts is not science-intensive. A Bachelor of Arts in Statistics and Data Science will have a strong foundation in mathematics with flexible options across probability, statistics, data science and computer programming. Students pursuing a B.A. in SDS typically take a more broad range of elective outside of the core degree curriculum.
For a more detailed layout of requirements or a list of changes to the degree requirements from year to year, please see the requirements knowledgebase.

Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Data Science
A Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Data Science is for students looking for a fully immersive, science-intensive experience in courses in probability, statistics, data science and computer programming. With a solid foundation in mathematics, this degree program is less flexible than the B.A. in terms of elective options.
For a more detailed layout of requirements or a list of changes to the degree requirements from year to year, please see the requirements knowledgebase.
Core Courses
The following courses are required for both the B.A. and B.S. programs.
MATH 122A AND MATH 122B or MATH 125 — Calculus I
MATH 313— Introduction to Linear Algebra
DATA 363— Introduction to Statistical Methods
DATA 375— Introduction to Statistical Computing
MATH 464— Theory of Probability
MATH 466— Theory of Statistics
DATA 467 — Applied Linear Models
DATA 498A — Capstone for Statistics and Data Science
ONE upper-division statistics major elective. ↓
DATA 201 — Foundations of Data Science
DATA 367 — Statistical Methods in Sports Analytics
DATA 396T — Topics in Undergraduate Statistics & Data Science
DATA 412 — Linear Algebra for Data Science
DATA 468 — Applied Stochastic Processes
DATA 474 — Statistical Machine Learning
DATA 496T — Advanced Topics in Undergraduate Statistics & Data Science